The best networking is slow-cooked, not microwaved. Find events where you can have some kind of regular presence. Got nothing to lose by going to one-time events as they're good practice for meeting people, but you won't really cultivate long-term professional relationships that way. It takes ...
These might be useful: And for selling websites: best of luck
Investors do not fund ideas. You must prove significant market interest in a product. Statistics that highlight potential don't translate into your product's revenue. Investors want to see how they will get a return on their investment. As for a business plan, be mindful that this is an investmen...
Startups are, by definition, "temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.” (as reported by Steve Blank). The main bits differentiating startups from mature companies are: * Narrow target - startups always start small, focusing on a narrow niche/subset...
Hi: Sounds like you have a potential solution to offer to the marketplace. Or is it a service that clients can plug into existing processes? It's great that you've developed the requisitie experience and skills, but whether you're offering a solution or service, you now need to spin your thinking...
You can base your business in mostly referrals, however, if you want to grow substantially, you should use some paid advertising to boost your revenue. It all really depends on how much you want to grow and how fast. If you are alone as an architect without staff, then referrals are a good place ...
The funding of a non-profit can be a bit more complicated than banging on the doors of a bank. First, you will need to set up the corporation, next file for non-profit status with the IRS (1023), and lastly receive tax-exempt status from your state of incorporation. At the point of submission t...
A provisional patent is good for two things. It is a date-stamped proof of invention and gives you time to determine whether to incur the cost of filing a full patent. Yes, so long as the individual component pieces you think are useful are sufficiently described in detail within the one genera...
The best way to raise money is using websites like or Another approach is to put ads on your website (even though it's not done yet) and add a donation option to your website.
Why do you need to know about the pricing of your competition in the first place? If you're offering great value, people will buy from you even if you're charging 5 times more. If you want to offer the lowest price possible to get more clients, then ask yourself how little can you actually charge...