When it comes to idea validation, get testing now. Pick a few artists from different forms of entertainment and see if you can start making them streams of revenue with your idea. If you can, great. You now have case studies to work with. You have something robust to pitch. More importantly, you...
First of all, it is VERY important that you are uploading your videos natively to Facebook, as opposed to simply sharing a YouTube link. Facebook will penalize you for sharing the link, but greatly reward you for uploading the video natively. Whether or not you are already doing that, the easies...
This is a little hard to answer because it is so vague. It depends on the area, the market and the strength of innovation. I know that The App Guy has a terrific podcast at http://www.theappguy.co/ and is also trying to organize a community for App developers to sell their ideas. Let me know if I...
Some suggestions: 1) Create a Google Adwords campaign 2) Create a Facebook campaign. Facebook campaign setup page gives you a great hack to estimate the market size based on interests and demographics. 3) Apply SEO (search engine optimization) tactics, such as: a) Highlighting key words on your ...
You can try here, there will most likely be some 'experts' in the mix of people that check it out. https://www.reddit.com/r/AlphaAndBetaUsers https://www.reddit.com/r/NewProducts Also, I would do a search through Clarity for 'wordpress' or 'video' and book a call with someone that's an expert in...
Whenever you assign them a task, break down the task into small chunks. Make the chunks as small as you can (within reason, and to the extent that your knowledge allows), and tell your devs that if any chunks seem large, that they should further break those chunks down into bite size pieces. Fo...
I worked as a career specialist in a Technical school for nine years. In most colleges and universities, career services directors do not make product decisions. The administrative wing, president, provost, and director of student services hold the budget. Navigating product sales to schools al...
Hi - I work with investors on a daily basis. You need to be able to show value of your brand. Either push this through public relations, thought leadership and being authentic. I'd recommend testing all avenues to attract the attention of investors in your sector. Gaining trust is key. You can al...
Here’s what you could do using Linkedin: 1. Find and create a list of target prospects: There are 550 million LinkedIn users. With LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can create a list of target people who *fit the right criteria* of prospects that might buy your bathroom product. You can filter b...
Your question is clear and understandable, but you either need to pay for the services, or give away equity - talented and trustworthy people won't work for free - nor should they. The only question that remains is how can you develop the platform while paying less or giving away less equity. A...