You use the title co-founder, which indicates a partnership and mandates that the tech hire (I'm assuming is the CTO) be provided with the perks and benefits of other co-founders. If you are using the term co-founder loosely and there is no formal co-founder designation in place, then wait 6 mont...
The ideal way would be to hire the engineer while the project is still under development. You and the engineer should follow up with the outsourced partner in the process. This will give hold to the engineer and later more staff can be trained in upgrading or follow on versions of the product/ser...
Where will traffic to the site come from? Do you have a target market identified? Beyond "people who need personal coaching services"? (Which is pretty non-specific to me) Do you know if they are willing to pay for your content? Just putting up a blog is not enough, for either case.
Hi! First of all, keep going. There will always be dark days, no matter how well funded you are. In fact, once you accept growth capital for equity, you bring on a whole new set of expectations and challenges. Running a startup, as you know, is never easy and it's never as smooth as people m...
Revenue solves all problems. If you want me to be more technical, cash-flow.
Instead of calling it "comedy", aim for humor. Humor that supports a key discovery helps to anchor that insight in the investor's mind. I've coached many pitches, and find that when presenters are nervous they try to go for an improvised laugh, thinking it will cut the tension. However, in most ...
Easily the best tool out there is Not only does it make importing employee databases super simple it provides next gen security to profiles and all cloud sharing and it has a top of the line auditing system. Easily a one stop shop that will change how you manage ...
I have worked with a few international teams on business projects, and great things can be done across seas :) I would suggest really clarifying expectations and responsibilities of each position. Would the 4th American guy be amenable to checking in regularly (however you define that) on projec...
Just because two people are connected to each other on LinkedIn, doesn't mean that these two people have a strong connection to one another. So first, ask your Mentor directly whether (s)he knows this person well enough to make an introduction. Also, I'd suggest that instead of asking that th...
Can the model be franchised? Are your margins large enough such that a franchisee will be able to make a profit AND pay your franchise fees? If you go down the franchise route, you will be changing the nature of your business from being a gym operator to being a franchisor, or seller of business ...