
Results for: Consulting

I'll cut right to the chase. You need to pay to get a good person. You are not selling a product with recurring revenues or a widget that a lot of people need. You do one-off projects for very custom business needs. These needs are random, and there is a LOT of competition. The person you wan...


What's the business model for the freelancing platform? Have you looked at They are a startup concierge matchmaking subscription service for founders looking to share equity or cash/equity splits with contributors. Are you familiar with I thin...


It really depends on what type of industrial application you are interested in since industrial is a very fragmented market with multiple verticals. Most big SI companies like TCS, Accenture, infosys, Wipro, have IoT practices these days and do both application and hardware development.


First things first. I must appreciate that the website has good content. You should ask yourself the purpose of creating this website. Information is now available all over the place. Right from individual portals to the Feedly, Mashable, Newsify and Pockets of the world. How do you want to dif...


What I've done is write a book... Eventually there were 4 books and other special reports. I sell them on Amazon but often give them away to prospective clients. There is no greater pleasure than to submit a proposal to a prospect which includes the words...' I am an expert in this area and th...


As someone who has worked in administrative positions for the better part of a decade, I will say: being seen and recognized as part of the team goes a long way. This can be simple - sending an email to congratulate your team on achieving a goal? Send it to the folks the back office positions, ...


It's always better to be great at 1 thing, then average at everything. You can still offer multiple services, but you REALLY want to push 1 as what you are best at. There are a couple factors that go into which one specifically you should choose. Message me if you want to go into more detail.


Even if your competitor continuously capitalizes on your ideas, by imitating your product features, etc., and even if he grows exponentially faster than you, it shouldn't intimidate you. Similar product, less money, whatever else, doesn't matter. Get awesomely creative with your marketing. Focus...


(built Spheric / 30+ person consultancy / sold in 4 years) I'm going to assume you're thinking of starting a service company vs. a product company (even though most service companies do have ambitions of some day having a product, it's best to stay focused on this for now - they are totally diff...


No, I think outsourcing this is at worst dangerous and at best lazy. Furthermore, unless this is highly focused on a type of user, I wouldn't trust that you could build user panels that were really of my potential customers. And therein lies the rub. Without real customers, it's impact and val...


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