You're in the right place. Clarity is loaded with experts and consultants working in this space. Do you have specific questions? I have extensive experience in this field, as well, and would be happy to walk you through some of your questions. Just book a call and let me know when you have some...
Regardless of your launch date - keep calm. Having a competitor or twenty is all but a certainty in our new business environment. It has never been easier to discover a problem, validate a solution, build a product and reach customers. But that goes for everyone. I'd urge you to consider a few...
Knowing your target market is a core part of your business plan and go to market strategy. Survey potential customers, find the pain points, offer them a solution which solves it and if they can't live without it you've got a winner. There may be some information online but this is a pretty imp...
What matters is the _ratio_ of UX to benefit. For example, if the user will benefit immensely from your product (e.g. they will automatically get $1 million once they find their way to a certain part of your website and click a button), then they will be willing do deal with a pretty horrible U...
This topic can be very complex, as experiences vary a lot from person to person, and the definition of "successful" can be a moving target. However, there are a few frameworks that you can implement and move towards achieving success. I like to use the PREMISE-VISION-PURPOSE-STRATEGY framework, a...
Start with a business plan. Without that nobody will listen to your idea. Here is an outline:
Most expenses (in most countries) that are directly related to the advancing your business are tax deductible. For example, marketing on FB or Google Ads, using an attorney or other counsel - like on clarity. Good luck
Pricing for different tasks that require the same amount of time from you tells the Customer (and your subconscious) that you're working at a 5 on task x, but working at a 9 on task y simply because it costs/earns more. That seems to be a disconnect. Your time is your most precious asset, and I w...
Traditionally agencies and consulting firms grow vertically through a pyramid structure adding junior layers and mid level professionals who can be paid at a lower level and then billed back at higher rates to the clients as they scale once the rainmaker fills the pipeline. Another option is to...
One is a SERVICE. Services sometimes have issues with profitability when scaling. You end up managing people and profit margins stay the same or decrease. The other is a PRODUCT. Products generally scale better as the cost of product remains more or less the same (COGS). Many people start cons...