I dont think the location or type of venue matters much in your ability to pursue and negotiate opportunities for vendors, sponsors and or investors. The easiest to pursue is vendors - in fact most smaller events are paid for by the vendors and sponsorships from local organizations who want to re...
There is no such list and that's not the way you'd make a connection with a great advisor anyway. First, your best advisor won't care that your company is based in Southeast Asia. Focus on identifying people who have significant expertise and credibility in your business area. Make your own ...
If it's just two of you then you need not worry about creating a shareholding agreement. The partnership deed is sufficient enough to cover it in a simplistic way i.e. 50:50 or whatever ratio you two chose. However, if there're going to be numerous co-founders with split of roles and responsibil...
Hi there, Raad here from LawTrades (on-demand legal service for startups). If you're looking for a fast and affordable way to get those drafted by experienced legal professionals, then have a look at http://www.lawtrades.com. It's free to request price quotes and you're in no obligation to hire...
I'm a licensed real estate agent and multifamily unit rental property investor in Georgia, as well as an internet entrepreneur. You're correct; you must hold a real estate license to collect a referral fee. However, this isn't the only way to monetize your website. You could select from a wide va...
There are only tax implications for the business in it's domicile of jurisdiction (where the business is organized). Contractors in US will have US tax implications, if they actually reside in US. If they live outside US, for more than 330 days/year, they qualify for the Foreign Earned Income Ex...
The return is due March 15 for the previous year. Your S-corp doesn't pay taxes, it files a form 1120S informational return. The 1120S produces a form k-1 that states your share of the companies income and other items. You report that k-1 on Schedule E of your Form 1040 in April. You have to file...
Business names cannot be legally copyrighted. Any name is fair game. As long as it does not confuse people. Even if it is the exact name but marketed for a different product in a different way and different market. Just don't use a little yellow ghost as your business logo and you'll be fine.
Little costs, huge market, positive innovation climate, partnerships opportunities, capital