
Results for: Currency

I am not a lawyer and am not giving you professional advice here. Merely discussing the topic. I see what they are getting from you...but what are you getting from them? You lose control...they get your can be booted out at any time thereafter. I don't see the upside. If they ...


Here are some quick and easy tips: 1) To make it easier for bots to crawl your site, link to important pages within your site with simple HTML URLs (not through javascript). 2) Add Alt tags to all your images 3) To choose keywords, search google with each keyword to see how many results come u...


Never get in business with people you want to buy out. Do not sign any agreement to give away such big chunk of your business unless you are 100% convinced they're the best people to work with. From your long description, it doesn't seem you believe they are trustworthy nor that they deliver the ...


A ".com" is a much better long term solution because Google and people generally recognize that as more authoritative/ trustworthy. The best way to change a ".co" over to a ".com", is by creating a "301 redirect" for EACH PAGE and keep everything else the exact same until Google indexes the new v...


Go to and scroll down to find the Startup Basics button. Felix Dennis was crystal clear in his book How To Get Rich that giving up equity was crazy. I agree with him. If, and only if, a co-founder can strongly impact the growth and effectiveness of the business...then I m...


I think my advice here ( also applies to this question. To create a brand story, focus less on the brand and more on the story of your ideal customer. What do they struggle with? What problem are they...


Hello! This is a great question, alimena many new self-employed or entrepreneurs face. When I started consulting 10 years ago i started mentoring people in this exact situation - you know you're good, but you feel like your skillsets are diverse and you obviously want to do something productive t...


Make sure your long term strategy is tied into your short terms tactics. Tactic - method or technique to achieve a immediate short term gain, run ads, sales calls etc. Strategy- A carefully defined detailed plan to achieve a long term goal. The overall position you would like to achieve. So ...


I can tell you that this proposed structure will significantly reduce NewCo's ability to raise additional capital. The idea too that the startup's valuation can jump from less than $200,000 to $10m just through the creation of an MVP in a relatively short period of time is also unrealistic. If ...


At first you should add Trust Seals if you haven't already. The next thing to do is get a few Instagram influencers to promote your product. User Generated Content (UGC) is a great trust builder. You should generate UGC from your retargeting campaigns as well. Also if I may ask why are you not ru...


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