Hi, Depending on the country you refer to as abroad, for Canada and The United Kingdom you'd need to achieve at least overall 7 bands out of 9 in IELTS, whereas, for Australia, New Zealand and The United States of America, you'd need overall 89+ score out of 120 for TOEFL. Best Regards
Would rather suggest you focus on current buyers and either table a deal you expect to them or walk away and then solicit other bids...See two prev messages re soliciting bids.
Seems like you're headed in the right direction, especially with the webinars and the guest blogging - these are a great way to increase the interest to your service. Also, 900 subscribers by May sounds totally realistic. However, the website definitely needs a lot of work. It looks like a gene...
Hi there! Best of luck as you complete your college degree. From experience I will try to give you some insight into the world of startups and mobile apps. First some things to consider: 1. You live in a world of social klout 2.Apps must (specially iOS) must be very well developed, otherwise th...
Unfortunately, in most cases where a transition occurs between contract developers prior to a shipped product, it's almost *always* the case that the new developer starts the code largely from scratch. When problems dictate a required transition to a new developer, it usually means that the pre...