I have been involved in building and implementing systems - both SaaS based products, custom services. I have seen that it pays to smoothen the process of on-boarding by offering controlled and curated access to potential customers. Seed the environment with contextual data and help the visitors ...
To answer this, you need to have a working model for your customer LTV (Life Time Value). Most startups can't accurately estimate their LTV, so if you don't have good enough data, then building your CAC based on assumed LTV numbers can be fatal. In this case, it's better to evaluate your CAC ...
At WP Engine, everything in marketing and sales is included in CAC. Salaries, commissions, coupons, direct advert spend (which you're saying you don't yet have), fees, travel and other costs associated with conferences, etc.. My advice is to err on the side of putting too much in CAC, because t...
Starting with a question "What is it that the companies look for when they decide to sponsor an event?" I am quite sure the answers would be "Age of attendees, number of people attending (so they can figure out cost of reach (sponsorship amount / number of attendees), type of the event, general ...
Find out what your target market values and wants before you set up any kind of lead capture page or differentiation content. Anything else is complete guesswork and virtually guaranteed to be completely off target. Get some information interviews with members of your target market. Do this by ...
I'm the CTO of https://3dagogo.com a marketplace of proven to print 3D designs. We look at the two sides differently. There's not a single customer. In our case you have designers and purchasers ( sometimes the same person can be both ). Cost and methods for acquiring designers are very differe...
* What is the customer RoI? * How much do they save/earn per unit of use of your product/tool/service? * How many users do you have right now? * Are the free users likely to upgrade? * Are they needed to provide a different value (community, content, network, ...) to the paid users? * Are the f...
B2B or B2C, at the end of the day.... you're dealing with "P2P" People to People. If your message is relevant within the context, you will get a high rate of response. Based on our experience, we start by doing research into the demo and where they live. And create highly targeted video camp...
1. Export a list of "other contacts" from gmail, linkedin connections, Facebook friends, Twitter followers, etc. 2. Call & email everyone (personally if possible) and ask them directly if they need your help. 3. Ask for a referral from everyone that buys. 4. Get a success story written about YOU...
I would storngly suggest you to consider a 4th optinion which is much cheaper and with a higher chance of giving you return. I've personally used this strategy to start my consulting business from 0 to 12 clients in the first 3 months. Here's exactly what you can do. How You Can Generate 5 to ...