
Results for: Decision Making

You've answered your own question. Reach out to your prospects with the question, such as "How would you...". Ask what people want then give it to them if you can with integrity and thoughtfulness.


My first startup was exactly in this space. We topped out at $500K/year before the 2009 recession trashed our client roster. I'd be happy to discuss what worked for us.


There are excellent answers here already, my comment is to add to those: network amongst your clients, before your peers and competitors. Join the associations your clients join, attend the events your clients attend, learn through the same channels your clients use. This is how you will know wh...


How to monetize your blog? There are all sorts of ways, all of which entail their own challenges – paid advertorials, banner ads, contextual PPC ads, pre-packaged affiliate programs, negotiated sponsorships, etc. Now, listen; don't take this the wrong way, but not everyone will be smitten by th...


Typically open-source projects that end up generating a profit have an active product that's already being used. So step 1. Is to open source it and see if anyone uses it - then you can make money in a bunch of ways. Checkout Wordpress, MySQL, Linux for examples - but typically it's providing p...


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