
Results for: Developers

Hi! I work for a Injection Molding company. Injection molded grades of plastic will behave differently than Blow Molding Grades, sheet plastic or extruded grades. I could write an encyclopedia here on this subject as it is very complicated and there are a lot of different types of plastics and...


Your absolute first step is to gauge interest. Without demand, you will end up wasting your time and resources building something nobody wants. Find a need, know it inside and out, then build the solution to that need. Don't just talk to you friends and family (they are biased). Talk to the re...


It depends on what your end goals are. If you are going at it alone, this, or any other service should suffice. If you are also thinking of implementing a custom process and your company will have "secret sauce", you are probably better off developing your own solution. A few points to consider:...


I have lived and worked both in Dubai and Bahrain and done business and help set up branches all across the GCC - also known as the Arabian Gulf. Firstly, let me commend you on having boots on the ground in trying to sell your product in this part of the world. Its really tough to sell a softwar...


There is always space for expansion, even in crowded markets like hosting services. At the end of the day, all that matters is whether you have a good product and whether your audience can see the value in it or not. If you are entering into crowded market, then, the first thing to do is do a th...


There are a lot of options here, but I think you may have already found the best option which is setting up a holding company to own separate subsidiaries. It's not uncommon for a holding company to create a conglomerate which owns many different businesses across multiple industries, even busin...


Before staring your Animation Studio, you need to be sure that you will have clients/buyers. Everything starts from a test. You cannot just create a Studio and think that you will be successful. You need to test everything before starting. Here is a short business plan: Find your niche - fin...


At this stage there are lots of decent web tutorials but I find Ryan Bates Railscasts some of the best for learning the technology. However if you want to just become better at Ruby and Javascript there is no substitute for good books. I've just been reading Avdi Grimm's Confident Ruby and I thi...


Your milage may vary, but from our experience, in short (please verify with a Tax-accountant, I have one I can refer you to): if you're paying people to do work for you that do not have a U.S. Tax ID #, it's a complete write-off and you do not require a W9 from them.


You need to have a marketing plan.. Define your market segment and see how to reach them. SEO / SMM / your blog interaction , ads in newspapers or on the streets, or newsletters ... etc. All depends on the target segment.. If you want to share more details about your project, I can help wit...


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