
Results for: E-business

Start with your needs. Do you need a subscription service, or just the ability for people to pay one-off? Do you need fast and easy, or robust and integrated into an uncommon business accounting software? Is the product digital download or a physical product you're shipping out of a warehouse/...


Hello, maybe you didn't explain the question right. Do you want to be a consultant? or do you want to start an online business? If you want to start an online business selling Japanese products online you just need a website with shopping cart, a payment gateway that is trustworthy to consumer...


If you'd like a Forbes-listed, Marketer of the Year as your mentor... feel free to set up a 10 minute call with me. If you look at my reviews and do some research on me, you'll quickly see why, if you want an empire, you should get my advice. My average client grows by approximately 1,400%. That...


This depends upon the state. Each state has a different definition of what constitutes "transacting business within the state" Some states will not regard selling products to customers physically present within the state as transacting business - it would require more of a physical presence on ...


My first thought would be look at Facebook Marketing and really target those adverts to people who are maybe part of certain groups or in certain areas if you need them to be local. FB marketing can start from as little as £1 a day so it's a good place to try and see what happens even if you only...


Something you need to take into consideration (and most people forget) is to understand if the CEO is looking into the right numbers. That's how investors also vet entrepreneurs. Are they looking to achieve the right goals? For example, a successful e-commerce site always look to get as close...


I live in Brooklyn, NY, which is a really fertile ground for small business retailers. My experience speaking with a lot of the shop owners is that they simply don't have the resources to maintain an online presence. Just keeping the brick and mortar operation running consumes most, if not all of...


I'd need to understand a bit more about your business, but I suspect one answer is to work toward getting an accounts receivable-based credit line. Amazon is a good company that pays it's bills. Lenders will either loan against the Amazon receivables or buy them from you at a discount. This ap...


Step 1. Write 10 epic posts that mention the work of other well known influential people in your niche Step 2. Reach out to these people and ask them if they'd give you their opinion on your posts. Get them to leave their opinion in the comments. Keep asking until you have at least 10 people who'...


Hello and welcome! I provide internet marketing, website & WordPress services. If you are in need of trusted partners, please feel free to reach out to me. Have a great day! Regards, Alan


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