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Assuming when you say 'vest' you actually mean exercise. It's sounds like an investor doesn't believe you will execute without the extra incentive. I'm not a fan of tranches of any form, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Also, you didn't mention the strike price, so no way to know if...
More or less correct that in raising seed, that most companies that successfully raise, fall into two camps: either a conceptual raise (with little to no evidence) or a traction-raise. The conceptual raise is almost always easier but puts most emphasis on the founder(s) which means that without ...
Normally, investors want startups to either exit or go public. They're not exactly interested in making some small return before. They want to make at least 10x the amount they invested, that's why it's worth it for them, even with the risk of losing the capital (and that's what happens to a co...
I'm Joe Bradford, a scholar of Islamic finance and an advisor. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are permissible to purchase as long as they meet a few basic stipulations: the use case that they were created for is permissible, they act as a store of value, and they are a medium of exchange. Wh...
Dear Writer, thanks so much for taking the time to write this. To answer this a) I need the background on what you are trying to sell, e.g., are you a law firm and b) what your ultimate objectives are - eg., you write getting attention, what I mean with is it important to have this type of client...
The return is due March 15 for the previous year. Your S-corp doesn't pay taxes, it files a form 1120S informational return. The 1120S produces a form k-1 that states your share of the companies income and other items. You report that k-1 on Schedule E of your Form 1040 in April. You have to file...
Most likely the best way to get funded in this situation is to approach independent investors. It would really depend on your business plan and whether or not you have an attractive business model. You could try to get connected with networks or consultants that have access to independent investo...
A typical rule of thumb would be that an established company sets aside around 15% of the outstanding shares at any point in time for employee options. Those get split up among employees based on their contributions. Depending how key these VPs are relative to other employees you have (remember ...
I will answer this is the simplest form I can. Basically in every country to conduct business in you will need to pay taxes in that country. If you have an office, employees or your revenue comes from that country you have to pay taxes. These taxes will include State, Federal and Sales Tax. Moreo...