I am going to be brutally honest here and my hope is that it helps. How would you define financial freedom? You seem to be depressed by hard work? Define your goal. Define what you want in life. If that goal is financial freedom define what that is. Determine what is standing in your way of ...
Yo are talking apples and oranges. Capital gains are related to your basis not the form of payment. If you are a cash basis taxpayer, you pay taxes when you receive cash beyond your basis. We can help you with structure.
Recently launched Subleger http://subledger.com/ is trying to do some or all of what you describe. It doesn't mean that there isn't room for others but consider that many early-stage companies don't have complex revenue in-flow so the core of what you're describing (converting or merging income ...
I vehemently disagree. I would recommend not following-up with any angel investor who asks you for a business plan. You yourself should be able to credibly articulate how you envision the next 12 months unfolding and especially how you intend on spending the money you raise, but that's about it...
Have you taken a look at an affiliate network like Maxbounty? They publish their current rates here: http://www.maxbounty.com/showoffers.cfm If leads are delivered real-time and exclusive, prices go up. It also matters what the traffic source is: personally I have only generated leads from searc...
You could offer to consult with them to help them improve their credit rating which will increase their ability to get loans at better prices.
I'm definitely not an attorney, but have worked with several (many dozens) startups who have gone through the seed, angel and venture funding processes. The first step to consider is whether you are financing your investment as debt or equity. If you're talking about interest, you could be refe...
Hi: Good job tackling this important exercise. There are many entrepreneurs who shy away from it. That said, if you're in the US, check out SCORE (https://www.score.org/). The organization has chapters around the country or you can connect virtually. This is the perfect type of project for their ...
I'm concerned that I don't see a back end to your funnel here. Looks like you only have small, medium, and large of one service. Rather than concentrating on discounts and discounting methodology, why don't you look at Cost of Customer Acquisition? If you knew that number, you'd know what you h...
Happy to sign a reasonable NDA and take a call.