
Results for: Fitness

Sounds like you're doing a great job already. Well done. Based on the continuous increase in growth, and assuming that there is a growing market for your product, it shouldn't be too difficult to find an investor. What you would need is to create 2 investor pitch decks (presentations): one whic...


Online coaching is a great space right now, and I'm glad to see someone with real-world coaching experience making the shift. The agency I started worked primarily in the fitness industry, and I helped plan, market, design, and build over 300 websites for personal trainers, gyms, and online coa...


Backwards. I'd make sure that person didn't stay in the company. "One dirty fish muddies the whole pond" It's not personal or malicious - they're just not the right fit. A great skill set, while very important is always secondary to cultural fit if you really want your company to flourish.


It is, but you have to understand that you will need to: -Find a partner in the US, or and -Get a company that will do the distribution for you -License the product to another company to produce If I was you I would listen to this podcast


In terms of technology and metrics you'd be looking at probably these guys: These guys received indiegogo funding but havent' launched yet:


I would focus on getting the consumer MVP done. Sounds like you already have conducted some interviews for the other two segments. If that is the case, then focus on developing a story highlighting the pain points and benefits for the payers and health system based on the interviews you have cond...


Before you do any surveys, I'd strongly recommend talking to 5-7 prospective customers first - either in person or on a phone/video call. During that, I'd ask questions to learn what you're competing against - what other educational toys would they consider instead of yours? What would yours ne...


Fixing a misrepresentation issue on Google Merchant Center requires careful review and correction of the information you've submitted. Google Merchant Center has specific policies and guidelines that you need to adhere to, and any misrepresentation can result in account suspension or disapproval ...


In the realm of custom work, fixed prices are dangerous ground. It puts you in a position to either say "no" or ask for more money when a project has extra needs, and that's never a comfortable situation to be in. You said yourself that speaking to a lead is the best way to make a sale. I'd ech...


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