Hi There, Your question is related to a very popular topic which is email list building. This is an area where maximum marketers strugle at the start. It is because building a big and responsive email list is not straight forward. Customers are getting skeptic every day. They take maximum 5 s...
In my opinion, phone support is frequently requested but hardly ever needed. I worked at Twilio and as part of my role as a Developer Evangelist I responded to help desk tickets part of the week. We didn't do any phone support and we were able to help people effectively. The key is to be very ...
I would suggest you search for and read out blogs. I can't think of any entrepreneurs who aren't also blogging. I have two blogs: brightideas.co and http://groovedigitalmarketing.com
That is an interesting situation and I am sure many others share a similar concern. I would recommend trying out Podio (free), it lets you create all sorts of templates to capture and work with information (text fields, categories, dates, etc). You can set it to receive e-mail for you and it w...
Kind of depends on who those 120,000 people are, doesn't it? Ask yourself what they have in common. And ask yourself what it is they want ... or would want if they knew about it. Then figure out what you can give them that (1) closely matches what they want and (2) can pay you for your time. ...
It does violate the TOS for most social sites and PPC advertisers. Additionally, you're not doing your end customers any favors because you are selling them access to crap contacts who are not necessarily interested in their product. Don't do it. Build your own targeted list of 1000 legitimatel...
The best methods would be to: 1. Improve your target customers (the people who are receiving your emails) - and not just mass mailing. 2. Personalize the email by using new technologies that adapt each email to the user - and not just by adding "Dear [name of user]. Here's a link to one of the l...
Google Analytics, Mixpanel or Kissmetrics are good tools that allow you to do it. The only inconvenient thing about the last 2 is that you need to set up "events" to understand your flow it and it might just take too much time. If you've configured your ecommerce module on GA you will probably ...
If you don't have a previous relationship with these bloggers, then the subject line will be very important. You have to come across as delivering some value rather than a means to an end. I would recommend emailing them first and asking if it's already for you to send them your press release, to...
Likely this is the wrong question, so my response is just a guess... from doing software development since 1982... Best to tool your infrastructure, so no load balancers are required. If you design your code where your most accessed data remains memory resident + moving data from persistent sto...