There are a lot of different ways to get money for your vision. Start locally, then branch out find more options on the national level. Your local arts council or other non-profits may have opportunities for you to spread your message and gain more traction and attention from likely benefactors. ...
Hi, I am not sure what country your located in, but many of the western countries offer grants for startups who have something innovative. You do not have to return the grant in many cases, and they don't take equity, but there are some limitations: for example you can only use the money to pay ...
The credits that you already received are under AWS Activate Founders. Quoting from the AWS website, "If you have previously received AWS Activate Founders benefits, you are ineligible to apply again. You can only receive AWS Activate Founders benefits once." However, check if you are eligible f...
. . . Happy New Decade . . . Try searching for Sir Bob Geldof ; on the Internet. . . . ( Yes : The Former Boomtown Rat ! ) . . . Apparently : His Ethical Investment Vehicle is currently dishing out (Hundreds of) Millions of Dollars ; to Sustainable African Enterprises. Whatever the Case :...
Restaurant start-up financing most of the time comes from personal savings and investments by friends and relatives. Forget about finding a grant, restaurant start-ups are so risky that grants won't work and if you get a loan, it will have to be secured by you personally. So friends and relatives...
If I was you I would contact the guys from Altschool that just started one, and can probably help you with it. Contact on Twitter @rubenharris he can probably help you.
Hi there, I did this in my last company. If you are a c-Corp then you can issue traditional shares to consultants. For other forms such as LLC or s-Corp it’s much more complex. So assuming you are a c-Corp, then you need a legal document called an option plan that reserves the shares for options...
Quick summary answer: You must promote this using direct mail to businesses who are in the right geographic region to take advantage. Buy or rent lists from: Chamber of commerce, local business association, local council rates payers etc. Also find organizations that have mailing lists and agre...
Hi. I am not a lawyer in the US so I cannot offer you a legal answer her, BUT try approaching the EFF as their Staff Attorney Daniel Nazer is "Mark Cuban Chair to Eliminate Stupid Patents. See here:
First hire a credit cleaning company. This will cost you roughly $200 USD. I ignore my credit till I require it, then use a credit cleaner, because the entire credit report industry is pretty much a racket. All manner of junk shows up on credit reports over the years. You can clean all this you...