One thing I like about your question is the fact that you're ASKING it. Trying to quantify profit. Most people never even get that far. They treat profit--especially if it is that of their own business--as some ethereal thing they will "get later" if possible. "To manage we must measure" is a ...
* What is the customer RoI? * How much do they save/earn per unit of use of your product/tool/service? * How many users do you have right now? * Are the free users likely to upgrade? * Are they needed to provide a different value (community, content, network, ...) to the paid users? * Are the f...
I am not a software development or technology expert, nor have I managed this type of a company. However, I am an efficiency and cost control expert and will address some of your concerns. It is normal that young companies in all fields will encounter efficiency problems after a prolonged time o...
Great question - local marketing is absolutely essential nowadays. Especially as few people are navigating social media looking for tooth whitening services, these will become more profitable than online over time. Here's a quick list of tools I suggest using to bolster your current social medi...
It is completely normal to feel stuck in a situation where our intentions had been to help others but we get ourselves in trouble. This kind of experience makes us human and prevent us from future events that might be more damaging to us by teaching us some lesson. However, when you love someone...
Every major city has some sort of network of angel investors or VCs. Do a quick google search in your area for incubators/accelerators. They typically have public facing events where you can go in and network. Since you're post-revenue you should be able to find interested people pretty easily. ...
After looking at your site, I definitely belive that you have something that is extremely valuable and can definitely be popular in tech communities. Yes, your copy needs to be more focused. What is it? I would have a landing page (or a cover page) that makes it really simple for a visitor to und...
Charging per lead shows that you are setting your pricing based on the value you bring to clients, and that you are willing to put a personal stake in getting them results.
If you have a good amount of traffic, I would like to know first how is that traffic finding your link on social media? Are you actively pushing your content through to them or are random people coming to your profiles and or posts? Are you boosting ads? If you are boosting ads - your problem co...
The first thing you should do (if not done already) is analyze your current traffic. You have to make sure a good percentage of your visitors are actually sticking around to either watch the video or at least enough to look at your other content. If this is not the case, then improving targeting...