The biggest mistake I see startups make is attempting to scale a product before validating the direction that their customers want it to go. You'll see companies validate pre-launch via closed beta testing, crowdfunding, or building landing pages and testing everything from messaging to price po...
You could start with my APELA framework. Awareness: The first consideration is the size of your target audience. If your product or service is only relevant to a small number of people, it will be more effective to reach them directly by LinkedIn or email. If on the other hand, they are numero...
1. Boise Cleaning Fairy, we sell residential & move out cleans. 2. We had no brand, no clients, no cleaning experience. 3. We wanted more customers. To do this we focused on review platforms that had very little competition. The top Yelp cleaner only had 7 reviews, the top Thumbtack cleaner on...
One of my clients received $500k funding ONE week after we did our pitch coaching session. What they learned from our session is to be 100% focused and not to follow the "scatter gun approach" that they had for the 9 previous months. If you're looking to fund a startup, or even an existing busi...
Obviously, they do the fundamentals well. Good brand. Good experience. Good word of mouth. Good PR. Etc. Etc. But after my interview with Ryan Graves, the head of Global Operations at Uber (, it became clear that they are operationally advanced and this is...
I have more than 15 years of marketing experience and this includes experience in growth hacking. I look forward to the possibility of talking soon.
Expertise: I currently run a high performing referral channel with several million invites every year. As you build out your growth strategy it’s important to identify the main “macro” conversion. This is an action that you need users to take to make the product successful. In your case, the pr...
1. Organic traffic (lots of quality content + links to your websites - preferably on the right keywords). 2. Partnerships/affiliate programs - you partner with other service providers that offer services that complete yours: they send traffic your way and you send traffic their way. Affiliate p...
The best way is to begin with friends and colleagues, and then LinkedIn will suggest hundreds of people who you probably know or know of. LinkedIn is a place for people to interact, so don’t be afraid of shooting someone more experienced than you a message for some advice. It might help you more ...
1. Export a list of "other contacts" from gmail, linkedin connections, Facebook friends, Twitter followers, etc. 2. Call & email everyone (personally if possible) and ask them directly if they need your help. 3. Ask for a referral from everyone that buys. 4. Get a success story written about YOU...