So, is the charity whats receiving the funding or is your for-profit company. From the sounds of it, it seems the for-profit company is more important than the for charity. I would raise money for your for-profit company and create a structure that when your "profit" company does "X,"you're not f...
What's the business model for the freelancing platform? Have you looked at They are a startup concierge matchmaking subscription service for founders looking to share equity or cash/equity splits with contributors. Are you familiar with I thin...
I'm reading a book called, "Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup" written by Bill Aulet. The 24 steps are broken down into six categories: 1: Who is your customer? 2: What can you do for your customer? 3: How does your customer acquire your product? 4: How do you make ...
Essentially what I see you asking here is: should I increase the lead generation to my inside salesperson, or should I hire an outsider to get those new leads and convert them? As a business owner, can you see the problem with the second option? You are completely putting lead generation and a l...
A co-founder is a long-term relationships that should be built on trust, and passion, and time... time to fight, time to recover, time to build rapport. Ultimately, your co-founder shouldn't be based on *any* specific idea, because the two (or three?) of you could work on anything you are all pas...
Instead of repeating the wisdom of others, I'll link to it below. Here is a great blog post on hiring your first salesperson: Also, Mark Suster has written a ton of great post on his blog about startup sales.
We do have those people on Clarity. Jason comes to mind That being said, anyone on this list (who have software background) would be great
a) are you good at selling? b) can you afford to hire someone? c) do you have time to sell? Until you can afford to and literally don't have the time too, my gut says do it solo.
There are many strategies that work for new sales people using LinkedIn, one of my favorite is active lead gen. For high ticket sales, new hires do well to talk to the sales manager about who the company's best clients are. Armed with this knowledge, the sales person can profile the common trai...
I've been using UW for a few years. It is very useful but you have to be careful. Lot of unreliable people out there. Over the years, I've narrowed a couple of people I keep using. And have excluded others. Few things: 1- It's best to give clear instruction. I tend to build GSheet on what I need,...