This is a very common question, and the short answer is - work hard and don't listen to your naysayers nor your lizard brain. Starting a business doesn't require any capital, but often times many entrepreneurs aren't skillful enough to couple swagger + brute determination + insight. You have to ...
I strongly disagree with the first answer - of course you are building to sell! They key is how fast and what is the multiplication factor for investors... But back to the question itself, I think the most important thing to remember about investors and fundraising is that you are not just getti...
You can join a pool funding business wherein either you can be sleeping partner or active partner depending on your locations and interest. We can share the plans with you according to your investment size.
I've used AngelList. To be honest, I've had better luck with local connections outside of the industry. My experience with it (which is biased) is that depending on the industry you want to invest in, AngelList only serves those who already have investors or angels. In my humble opinion, to get i...
Hi - I work with investors on a daily basis. You need to be able to show value of your brand. Either push this through public relations, thought leadership and being authentic. I'd recommend testing all avenues to attract the attention of investors in your sector. Gaining trust is key. You can al...
If you have an idea of creating a great online betting platform and are looking for software for your startup website, you can turn your attention to these products . This company is exclusively engaged in the development of software individually for each online cas...
It will depend upon your relationship with the investor. If the investor have trust upon you, then you may pitch anytime, however, if you don't know the investor for long, then you have to follow a process. You may setup a call to discuss more.
There are a lot of different ways to get money for your vision. Start locally, then branch out find more options on the national level. Your local arts council or other non-profits may have opportunities for you to spread your message and gain more traction and attention from likely benefactors. ...
I disagree with Sal's answer that you shouldn't be pitching at conferences. I built a good chunk of my early network doing exactly that. To be clear though, Sal is right that most investors hate being "pitched" at a conference and that's because the vast majority of founders do it completely wr...
Ugh. Investors. Here's the harsh or maybe happy truth. If your Startup offering (product, service, information, courseware, consulting, etc) provides stellar value, then you require no investment. Do your launch + if money starts pouring in, either skip the investors of if you really must use ...