
Results for: Loans

Khuram's reference to what I call the "gap technique" is spot on. Few people will rate something 10/10 or A+. This gives you the opportunity to ask them how to achieve that highest rating. Once you do that: "Shut up and listen!" :) -- One of the worst mistakes is to get a participant talking (an...


I would try selling it to 10 customers (without changing your pitch) and if you don't get 3 customers to buy, then adjust. It's less about time and more about # of learnings. I don't like interviews, I like asking if they have the problem, showing them our solution (verbally or with a visual) a...


I have built several multi-million dollar businesses using (2) very simple questions: "What makes you say that...." and "Tell me more...." No matter what someone says to you, you just keep asking one (or both) of the questions. If you do it 4 or 5 times in a row you'll learn everything you ever...


The best ones that I have used are as follows: O-Desk: This is good for more complex tasks that are still relatively cheap to implement. Fiverr: These are small jobs that cost $5 bucks per gig. Good to get small stuff done fast. I hate to say ...


This really depends on the idea that you want to test. Remember, a test is just a test, and not a complete depiction of how your actual business will do once it launches as that greatly depends not only on your product, but also on how your business is managed and what value you provide to the cu...


Always take into consideration what your customers want, even when building "what they really need", because it will give you insight into how best to implement it. On whether to "give them what they want", it comes down to what % of your customers want something. If 99% of your customers want s...


Hi, Please can you be more specific? Mentors, team and experts is very broad and would be used for different purposes. Are you looking for different people for different reasons for each of these or more generalist people? What do you need from these people? Feel free to give me a call to di...


Hmmm? This is a tough one because your product is so wonderfully horizontal, meaning it applies to a very broad set of cases. I'd slice and dice in two directions. First, I'd think about the general process of collaboration on a document, for example: a) drafting - are two people actually wr...


You need to stock the shelves with products that your customers want to buy, but you don't need to create a Wal-mart size store right away. You are right to focus on one local market first. Figure out how many transactions you need to prove product/market fit and then work backwards. If you ne...


Wow, lots of questions here. Let me try to hit them in order: "Should I get a job or find investors?" IF you have access to enough investor capital (not debt and not your savings) and you can get to MVP and still maintain ownership of a sizable majority of the business then do it. IF that...


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