
Results for: Local Marketing

Twitter is actually a great prospecting tool, and these are people you should absolutely be engaging with as a brand. The key is to engage without coming off as spammy. Instead of "Buy our product now to solve your issue", try something friendly like, "Hey XYZ! We'd love to help you [solve proble...


You are 100% correct. Just like you, customers in other countries want to understand what they're buying. Studies have shown they're actually 6 times more likely to buy when a website is available in their native language, and that 85% of global shoppers will not buy at all in a non-native langua...


The easiest method is employee groups on Facebook (and sometimes LinkedIn). You'll be able to comment on company pages, for example here: - but you'll have a bigger response on Facebook, for example here: If y...


Happy to help with this and can probably bring lots of ideas to the table. Also, since LOCAL is the focus, you can't just use digital. Most of your bookings are going to come from local non digital marketing, but they will coincide with the digital marketing you do. The efforts need to be combine...


So the bar patrons drive the value, right? If your fellow students start using the app (and start asking the guy at the door, "Can I pay the cover with XX app?"), then the bar owners will be the easy part. Focus your efforts on driving adoption. If you've already got 2 bars on the hook, then prin...


I would pick up the phone. I think actually speaking with the decision-maker will illuminate how to reach them at scale, objections, and other things you need to know.


I imagine that most recommendations for physical therapist comes from a Dr. I had an injury on my shoulder and he gave me a suggested PT to go to for help. That would be one place to go offline to see how you get to be a qualified supplier to an orthopedists. One creative approach to this might b...


You'll never get indexed by Google right away, it's going to take at least a few days or weeks, but there are a few things you can do to speed up the process as much as possible. 1. Create at least one simple landing page while your site is being developed and include a few paragraphs of text ex...


Well, an obvious way to do this, if you haven't already, is to create foreign language versions of your website. Depending on what countries you want to target, making localised language versions of it will boost your traffic 200% from those areas or even more. Here's a quick guide to how you ca...


This is a broad question. You can gain customer loyalty and repeat patronage, but it takes much more than a marketing strategy. Customers want a positive experience, get a high-quality product/service, and pay a fair price. The customer experience starts at the first touch point and ends with the...


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