
Results for: Marketing Agency

Exciting. Good luck. Information that would help (most are known but work): 1. Testimonials - super important. If you can get past clients to agree to give a short video testimonial - even better. 2. Logo/names of happy clients. 3. Easy to understand description of your services. 4. quick and...


You could try pivoting the product to help individuals that need to use foreign freelancers to have their app developed, because they don't have enough money to pay a local developer, and they can't find a technical co-founder. This is actually a very common problem. Working with foreign freela...


There are 3 schools of thought about what to call a marketing agency. The first says be practical and call it something that relates to the product that you are selling. Good examples of this include "Ideo" and "Whatif!?" in the innovation space and "mindshare" in the media space. The second is c...


GREAT QUESTION! I loved doing trade shows and with our strategies we would get 10% of all the people who attended to sign up at our stand which is unprecedented. We did this WITHOUT any need to give leaflets to people who would just walk past and forget all about you. I have taught this strat...


Hi, I'm Ed. I'm Head of demand generation for a Uk startup. I've built our blog and academy area from 0 to over 20,000 hits per month generating over 500 leads/month. This sounds like a brilliant idea. Especially in a market where it's not so crowded. I'd say the key points are to: 1.) Make su...


I've worked in digital marketing since 1997, led business operations at two digital marketing agencies, and advise digital agency owners on improving the business side of their agencies. Agencies tend to use some version of the standard consulting phases: Discovery, Analysis, Recommendations, an...


Hello! This is a good question I think many go through the same phase when launching a business. My first tip is don't use an acronym such as LGA or MVA for example, acronyms are not memorable. That's what you are looking for, memorable names. With that said, is also important not to get too hu...


I worked from a home office for 8 years before getting an office and hiring w2 employees. I wish I had focused more on systems earlier because I would have more quickly realized that I do not need a centralized office with employees that work in the same building. Though 75% of us work under the ...


First define what you mean by boosting + your goal of boosting. For example, if you're running paid traffic to your agency home page, consider if this is useful (monetizes). Likely best to "boost" (I'm guessing you mean running traffic to) artist pages + then have artist pages point to a catego...


If you're looking for agencies who have it down I'd recommend Ogilvy Social W+K Social and RGA. But it really depends on how you want to position your agency, you'll see they all take pretty different approaches. https://twitter...


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