
Results for: Marketing Agency

Niche down to help a certain kind of client. Find out what serious problems you solve for them with your solutions. Don't talk about SEO or web design: you'll turn yourself into a commodity if you do. See this:


Generally, if you're not adding obvious value with: -better processes. -better accountability -better results... Well, then you DESERVE to have your clients poached by a highly committed, high-value provider. So, it's not "just selling" it's delivering the full package. Value. Results. Care. ...


Hi Peter, one key pointer that I always offer my clients working in HubSpot is to remember that the platform is very flexible. This means that there are many different ways to set up your programs and accomplish your tasks. Once you remember that, it's important to establish your business rules a...


The easiest pitch would be to have a base retainer (say 1000$ a month) and then % of revenue increase since the baseline. It makes it easy for them and is far compelling cause you are now a revenue cost rather than a recurring sunk cost. The typical ecomm transaction has 10-12% margins? And th...


You will always be your best PR agency. Because if you can't sell yourself, then no one will be able to sell / market you. In my experience, when I start something with money as the focus I fail. However when I work to create something amazing for others, I win and win big. My advice is to fo...


There are 2 best business email lists provider company. - InfoUSA -EmailDatas [] These customers gave consent about receiving emails and are most likely the ones that earned your trust already. Buy a targeted business email list that emphasizes clients who are receptiv...


Ask them to brief explain their methodology and most important the KPI's that they will track thru your project. That way you can compare different agencies KPI's and see the ones that make sense with your business goals. A few ones to exemplify: General: Traffic, Sources, Conversion Rate, Bounc...


Such a great question, and one that I spent a lot of time trying to figure out with the last four books that I published. There are several ways that marketing a book can be done, but only a few ways that make the process fairly simple and give you the results you want. Wattpad is a great way to...


In general the highest converting direct messaging campaigns I have seen have very direct and simple messages. If you can achieve that with your target audience then you will see a good conversation rate. If you have the right message and already have the contacts, then go for it!


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