
Results for: Mergers & Acquisitions

Extremely difficult question to answer. It will mostly be justified by traction in a certain amount of time. If you receive a huge number of users in a year, this will add multiples to your valuation. On the flip side, if you are ten years in with steady growth, the multiples will not be as high...


I'd say that market knowledge is incredibly important. You can buy a business at any revenue point, but if you don't know much about the market it's in or the industry, you could very well tank it. Do your due diligence and understand your exact plan and intentions of what you'd do with the newl...


I would be delighted to speak with you as co founder and angel investor for M&A firm Amieva Mack Capital in London these are exactly the types of opportunities we partner with and I personally would be very interested to speak with you. I can guarantee you that the value I could add to what you h...


Would rather suggest you focus on current buyers and either table a deal you expect to them or walk away and then solicit other bids...See two prev messages re soliciting bids.


Compatibility with your vision? Does 1+ 1= 3 or even 5? Personality mix? If you are going to stay with the acquired entity. These might be more important than any of the numbers.


Hi: Sounds promising. Something to remember, however, is that a VC who invests in a series B round has different objectives than an angel investor, a seed investor and perhaps even in investor in a series A round. If one of the B round investors in that other company has been with that company th...


Hi, what a great question. I can see that you're trying to figure out how to maximize the value of the business by putting yourself in the buyer's shoes. I've been evaluating small and medium sized business since 2009 and I've helped to sell hundreds of them. Check out www.HowToSellMyOwnBusine...


Unless you have a decent traffic or hugely demanded items larger comps might no be interested. Access to market is what leads companies to buy one another. I rencently bought a commercial cleaning company and merged it with my residential one to create an improved service with my people but leve...


If you’re interested in buying an e-commerce business successfully you need a lawyer that is experienced in M&A both in the deal size and the e-commerce space. You should then look to follow some best practices from other successful deals. My advice first and foremost would be to identify lawyer...


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