
Results for: Mobile Apps

I would suggest launching in a foreign app store only (ex: Canada). That will allow you to get more organic users to continue iterating without a big push. I got this idea from Matt Brezina (Founder of Sincerely, previously Xobni) - he's the man when it comes to testi...


Typically Apple and Google will consider coins and credits a type of digital currency. Under their terms and services these types of products in an application must be transacted through the AppStore and Play Store so they get the 30% cut. When I worked for Groupon, building their Android appli...


Hi, So ou are building a loan marketplace and instead of being the middle man, be a platform provider. 2 Issues 1) It is a 2 sided market place which are extremenly tought to build 2) This is a Red Ocean with tons of competition and dozens of playes already in. You should be doing this if you ...


Hi there, I'd recommend having a strong social media presence. You could use to check availability of social media channels and they will show you the top ones you need to be on. Today you should at least have an Instagram in addition to a Facebook Page and a dedicated Twitter account....


The best day to launch your app is either Wednesday night or Thursday, because the iOS App Store changes features every Thursday and you may get featured that day as "New games..." "New app..." etc. Ideally all your marketing/PR/advertising efforts should start that day (Thursday) because Apple l...


Hi there, I'm afraid that the only possible way is through promo codes. If I am not mistaken the person who wants to buy your app in Bulk wants to give it out to patients individually correct? Not that it is a hospital or such where they could simply use the same apple ID to login and put it on ...


Mobile app that has launched: You need ALL of the following: 1) Trending towards or at 100000 installs within first 90 days of launch; 2) Day 30 retention rate of at least 20% 3) Core "MTM" (metric that matters) healthy (dependent on business model, usage model etc) 4) Evidence that growth is j...


Based on my own experience building indie games I'd recommend these Reddit and Slack channels for beta testing: Reddit: Slack: https://www.ha...


If you mean the conversion rate is the same (meaning you're making a lot more revenue with the larger price), then that's the right call. If you mean that your net profit is the same but you have higher unit sales on the first price I would go for the lower price to have more customers (and more...


Very interesting concept - I could see how parents would certainly gravitate towards a feature like this. So, freemium apps, models, features are quite common of course and people have grown accustomed to most applications or platforms at least offering a trial period (as you do.) But, if you w...


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