I've built a load of apps over the years and tried out many of the major providers. Currently I'm the CEO of a startup making advanced email technology, which is incredibly server intensive, so I feel I'm in a good position to advise! I'm not sure from your question if you're looking to host the...
Apple will allow a developer to register 100 UDID devices per 12 month cycle to test via TestFlight or HockeyApp. Having started with TestFlight, I would really encourage you NOT to use it, and go directly to HockeyApp. HockeyApp is a much better product. There is also enterprise distribution ...
Cross-platform frameworks are just now becoming robust and stable enough to be a real concern. The most popular frameworks include React Native, Xamarin, and Ionic. The trade-offs are typically speed of development vs. flexibility and complexity. If you use a lot of platform-specific integrations...
There are two sides to that question. One is the mobile app itself and the other is the backend. If I misunderstood in any way and you didn't mean "native" app I apologize in advance. On the backend, there is no clear cut answer to which is the "best". It depends solely on the developers you are...
I hope this answer will help you in two ways: It should help avoid unnecessary expense being incurred and it should also help you recruit software engineers to build your project. Before you spend a single dime on building, I'd encourage you to validate the idea itself with potential customers....
Tehcnically speaking the only qualification is the type of development you need. However, if you referring to guideline son how to find and assess good outsourcing partners, you should keep in mind: - speed/quality of communication - previous work - payment/delivery terms satisfy your needs More...
Here are the main alternatives to AdMob divided into tiers based on scale: Tier one: a) MoPub b) Amazon Publisher Services c) Facebook Audience Network Tier two: a) Verizon b) Smaato c) Fyber d) MobFox e) InMobi f) AdColony g) Rubicon h) AppNexus i) Pubmatic j) OpenX k) Chartboost l) Unity Ads m)...
First, you need to consult with someone who understands the complexity of the app that you request it. This person can be your friends who have background in CS or IT. Usually, people usually hire some freelancer or developer team and you pay it hourly. Once finished, you can just ask those team ...
If app design is the only thing you'd like to do, then I'd say spend all your time and focus developing UI/UX expertise for mobile. In many developing nations around the world, smart devices are giving people their first exposure to the Internet. The way they search, browse, buy, and otherwise be...