Most of my friends use and to create their membership sites. Hope that helps.
1. Evaluate available advertising options (cpm, affiliate, # of ads per page, pages per site, etc.) 2. Create a spreadsheet with your assumptions for each of the variables (some of the things listed above) 3. Plug in different traffic volumes and see how revenue changes based on the selected vari...
You appear to have a very broad concept. The more features you add in the more expensive it will be. I'd recommend figuring out the key feature you think will appeal to potential users and build a MVP based off that. If that feature doesn't attract users, having the other features wouldn't have h...
Regardless of your industry or product, we all want to increase the amount of traffic to our website. Right? After all, more visitors usually means more sales. The easiest way to increase website visitors is to pay-to-play. You can buy ads on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitt...
I build API systems daily for myself + clients. Also other on-demand non-API systems. To provide you an answer requires a starting point + gathering a good bit of context. Best if you book calls with me + other people who build this type of software daily. Tip: Here's how I approach this for ...
You can easily find boilerplate legal wording out there. If you run a Google search for each key term such as "boilerplate terms of service" you'll find quite a few resources. If you want to copy and paste, make sure it is covered under the appropriate licensing that allows this, such as Creati...
I recommend reading "Will It Fly" by Pat Flynn and "The 4-Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferriss. Go ahead and run a Google Adwords Campaign to a landing page with the option to purchase something related to your topic. If you get a good conversion rate of people who click the Buy button, then it is a w...
I found a couple of articles with some stats and BUT nothing specifically comparing landing page results with Linked In. FWIW my view on all social me...
I have noticed a 1% conversion rate to the Buy button. This is normal and anything over 1% is icing on the cake sales. That is actually 1 out of 100 sales which we notice with some of the apps we help our clients develop as well as the ecommerce websites we build for businesses. Our highest conv...
Send me the web link and I will take a quick look. Best of Luck, Mike From the Trenches to the Towers Marketing