Hello! I would try job search engines such as Indeed. Also, update your LinkedIn profile and start making connections. Pick a company you REALLY like and believe in and follow them. Find people that work in that company doing what you want to do and reach out to them. Tell them you really admire ...
Hello! Digital marketing agency owner with clients that have a variety of industries here with my recommendations based on what works for our clients. With Google they love content. So regardless if you are backlinking to specific parts of the content or not, given time you will start ranking fo...
You should make the name that the donor sees on their credit card match the brand name as close as possible. Structurally though, your npo should be collecting the money directly. Having built Canada's first - and at the time it was operational - largest crowdfunding platform for charities, I'd...
It depends on the country. My best advice to you is to find a key person,a local one, in that country whom you must be able to trust 100% to take care of everything.
I've taken a quick look at your site and am happy to talk to you. Take a look at my reviews here on Clarity. Product advice is an area I provide a lot of help to Clarity members about.
I would suggest you search for and read out blogs. I can't think of any entrepreneurs who aren't also blogging. I have two blogs: brightideas.co and http://groovedigitalmarketing.com
Here are two things I might try if I were in your position: 1) One idea might be to partner with a chef and host a "open house". Send the invitations out to owners of other restaurants that are doing well (pitch it as an expansion opportunity), and also commercial real estate agents. 2) Reach ou...
I need more information if possible? What kind of vouchers are you offering?
I mentor startups on the application of product management processes to help them make better decisions. Before you try to do sales analysis and forecasting, you need to find out if your potential licensees see value in using your solution. The best way to do this is to talk to some of their pro...
Any time I've done work in a resort area, our success has always depended upon string relationships with the actual resorts. Have you begun any sort of grass roots work at this point? Started to form relationships with those resorts without significant food and beverage outlets? Feel free to ...