
Results for: Operations

Depends on where your team resides. In SF, you could use an average of $135k for all-in costs for each employee. In Toronto, you could probably drop that by 20-30k per person. But there are so many other factors related to burn beyond headcount that just using a headcount cost + overheard to e...


Option #1 (recommended): Use and skip hiring someone. Option #2: Hire an SDR (right out of college, ex-athlete): and pay them an hourly rate as a consultant (3 month trial period). Pay them upon deals closing (commission % - the % will depend on your margins and the the ...


Eastern Europe is a big place and each country has different requirements and constraints for money transfer. So, it really depends on the desitnation you are sending money to. The most common type of payment is wire transfer, as many countries in that region don't allow PayPal. If PayPal is ava...


I find this is one of the toughest questions to answer, we are not looking at how to sell or how to at impress people - all these can be learnt. We are looking at when the willing parties just in time to meet each other (i,e, the buyer just in time want to buy the office space that you have and ...


The best methods would be to: 1. Improve your target customers (the people who are receiving your emails) - and not just mass mailing. 2. Personalize the email by using new technologies that adapt each email to the user - and not just by adding "Dear [name of user]. Here's a link to one of the l...


By month and allocation of tasks. If you charge by keyword ranking, you won't have a guarantee that you will make money, as it is easy for SEO to fluctuate based on the conditions of the time and updates that happen as well as the dynamics of the website. If you charge by month, identify which ...


Developing the website is the least of your concerns. If you are operating an online store, building trust and confidence with your customer base is critical. So, when choosing a shopping cart to run your store, performance and availability are key. When you use a quality, paid service like Mag...


Probably not enough information to answer this question here, but... 1. the new pricing models sounds like the monthly charge will be variable and unknown. Some buyers won't like this (eg if you're B2B, they won't be able to budget for your costs) 2. Have customers asked for this? Therein, may li...


Free 'basic' versions and paid 'pro' versions of software are very common, so it's definately _possible_ that it could be viable. If you want to get investment you'll have to make as convincing an argument as possible that 1) in your hands, 2) with your product, and 3) with your market, it _will_...


I recommend having your brand on the social selling app Poshmark. On there you focus on fast delivery and really nice packaging for a pleasant experience for the buyer, and rack up 5-star reviews and sales traction and revenue. This is a great way to expand your network as a seller and learn the ...


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