Hi: Now that you have some experience under your belt, you know what you like and don't like about a relationship with an accountant. You also know more questions to ask before you start your next engagement, such as: * What do you base your fees on? * What do you provide on a monthly basis for y...
I would add in the Do # 2, ask the employee to paraphrase what you're requesting. It's a common problem that people say that they understand what you say, and when the deadline comes, the result is not the expected. I call this practice "duplicate".
Depending on what you need, you'll probably want to look at actual agencies. A single freelancer is unlikely to have the complete spectrum of skills you'll need, and unless you're looking to hire someone full-time, you'll probably have trouble retaining a single freelancer for a long period of ti...
Hello, Congrats on creating your own agency. Software developers and clients often speak 2 different languages and your job is to communicate between then effectively. For your questions 1. This can happen, the agency is the project manager. Manages requirements, user needs, spec document, ...
There are couple of ways i suggest it based on 15+ years I have in building offshore teams in Asia 1) India is becoming for start-up Hub now. If you want to start small, you can start searching for these companies by technology expertise you can looking for like Data Science, ML etc. You will st...
Hello, My name is Erik and i'm a Call Center Expert and Senior Analyst Programmer with more than 15 years of experience. I've been working in the outbound sales of one of the biggest telecom company in Canada since 6 years. There's many different options you could use depending of your market...
Based on my experience, the biggest challenge is getting the right talent that can pull off a quality work, I have done this by sending out small tasks to different developers and evaluate their works after. (But I guess this isn't your issue since you have 4 yours experience of working together...
The existing answers are good, and I agree with most of the price ranges that are mentioned. There is a huge range in rates and they are most affected by the region and the type of organization you are dealing with. For example, a small shop in E. Europe that is exceptional in Ruby and has prof...
Eastern Europe is a big place and each country has different requirements and constraints for money transfer. So, it really depends on the desitnation you are sending money to. The most common type of payment is wire transfer, as many countries in that region don't allow PayPal. If PayPal is ava...
I would be happy to discuss this with you. Are you looking for a prototype or a full blown product? I specialize in development, and product planning. Please feel free to get in touch.