
Results for: PaaS

Good question Brian. I am always a fan of a free trials or even better, the free tier. The later you have to watch out as you could be stuck a situation where you can't convert people to the higher tiers, but all in all what you are trying to do is show people the value your product provides and ...


The idea of an MVP is 'minimum, viable' ... If you feel you need a "good amount" of funding, I would challenge if you are minimum enough. Obviously, without knowing the details of your product, your ideal customer, or what need you will solve, it is hard to help expose what is necessary in an MV...


Hi! Since you are good with an .mp3 and don't need a WAV file, I'd highly recommend using a free conference call service to record and download your audio. I like, but my vendor of choice is for four reasons: first, no fees or ads whatsoever. Sec...


There are several ways in which a company can formally accept software from 3rd party developers. One of the most popular methods is to form an agreement with the developer wherein they will sign a contract and make it clear that they have developed a piece of software for you. Once you have sign...


Talk to market first simply dialing and smiling. Can also outsource for someone to call and set appointments for you to speak with them. Have found good affordable people on Elance.


As you likely know, people make a lot of decisions based on price. Having different pricing points isn't distracting, it's often the driver for making a decision - as people compare value of an offering to the price of its offer. So no, I don't think you should set all your prices at the same lev...


Recently launched Subleger is trying to do some or all of what you describe. It doesn't mean that there isn't room for others but consider that many early-stage companies don't have complex revenue in-flow so the core of what you're describing (converting or merging income ...


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