
Results for: Producing

Clarity probably is not the best platform for finding a producer. My advice is to reach out to some folks in the TV industry via LinkedIn or Twitter.


Hi there, it depends on the type of paid info product you are trying to create. I've been creating and selling digital info products (e.g. video training courses) for the past 5 years. Let's have a chat and see how I can help.


Depends on your personality a good bit. 1) Work. You can just work hard. Speak at Meetup Groups, WordCamp (or similar), Trade Shows, Niche Conferences. Speak to many people who are interested in your topic + plug your YouTube channel during your talks. Or better plug your Website with an optin ...


Don't worry, everyone starts off 'drawing what they see' (basically copying). You do that for a while before being able to create your own original work. You'll feel better after reading the New York Times Bestseller, "Steal Like an Artist". From a neuroscience perspective: After some time, the...


I have created numerous educational videos, sales videos and hosted hundreds of webinars. I would recommend checking out the National Speakers Association, of which I am a member, at If you are on a shoestring budget, you could try - but approach cautiously as it is mo...


Do an independent lab test of each item to test for heavy metal contamination, specifically cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic. Better that you get this information in advance before someone else does it and reports it, which could lead to a very fast business demise. For reference, check the pro...


Depends on size of project, time and location commitment. Day, project, hourly and change fees are all common for our small team. Large companies offer different pricing structures.


I second invision for showing quick online prototypes, but for something more versatile, i use AxureRP ( . The ability to build a sketchy wireframe or a pixel perfect app is amazing. I love it. Great for mobile gestures and animations. Go check it out - they offer a free trial. Con...


You will probably get more or better responses posting this type of question on a forum for software developers like stackexchange because the people who actually know the answer to your question are most likely people who work at this company or used to work here, who might have signed an NDA th...


I dont think the location or type of venue matters much in your ability to pursue and negotiate opportunities for vendors, sponsors and or investors. The easiest to pursue is vendors - in fact most smaller events are paid for by the vendors and sponsorships from local organizations who want to re...


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