I use any resource at my disposal, but I think it comes down to a little formula that takes in these two data points: 1) what am I trying to build? 2) what are my strengths? Here's how it works. I basically calculate a "success probability outcome score" based on these two factors. Here are som...
Quick answer on this one: talk with somebody who has already succeeded in this field (built similar product or company). He/she will be able to quickly get you on track and avoid common pitfalls of your industry. If this person can't help you 100%, he/she will certainly be able to point you other...
I do understand your concern, here is a link of potential PPC companies that can help you realize your dreams: https://clutch.co/agencies/ppc Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
There are three questions to answer: 1. Are you selling a wonderful product or selling something people know and wanted to have? 2. Turmeric more valuable or the latte? What values are you driving? You are looking for customers to take latte enjoyment or turmeric for health or both? 3. If to...
I believe in MVP (Maximum Validated Product). The more you get customer/user validation, the more robust and complete the product becomes. It's smart to begin testing immediately to collect data that can help road mapping for the next product build improvements. Launch early with a few lighthouse...
There are a lot of tools designed to help "sketch" business ideas and business models. You need to be able to define and refine your ideas with a pencil and paper at the best. Other tools like Business Model Generation are great at sketching and documenting business model assumptions. I'm a huge ...
You may want to consider showcasing the more narrow, focused application which will be (ideally) your more capital-efficient beachhead that proves the product and market fit. Meanwhile, I would present a few select slides or datapoints from the original presentation as something that showcases t...
Great question! Here are the basics: The Lean Startup by Eric Reis http://www.amazon.com/The-Lean-Startup-Entrepreneurs-Continuous/dp/0307887898 Running Lean by Ash Maurya http://www.amazon.com/Running-Lean-Iterate-Works-Series/dp/1449305172/ref=pd_sim_b_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=03VER05GWM6QV80D49ZH *e...
This is a difficult question to answer without a lot more info, but I'll share some high-level strategy. 1) Develop your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) in your new markets. Until you do this, you're just "doing stuff" without clear direction. 2) Identify the likely decision-makers in your market....
One of the biggest things I do is "time chunk". Time chunking – and fine tuning the practice – allows me to work with optimum productivity. It’s worth trying in some form or another because it removes a decision from the process of doing: what to do and when to do it. Another set of practices I ...