
Results for: Psychology

Best way? Figure out a process to get consistent referrals from other professionals. I made a video about this situation, in the video blog here: Second-best way? Narrow your ideal customer definition, and go get them. Who values uncovering th...


I originally answered this question in Quora. Here's my interpretation: Very tough to sleep most nights of the week. Weekends don't mean anything to you anymore. Closing a round of financing is not a relief. It means more people are depending on you to turn their investment into 20 times wha...


Pricing anything is a little bit of science and art. It really depends on what you are selling. You'll be looking at cost plus or value pricing. If you're selling goods in a highly competitive market, you're stuck with pricing to beat competitors and product differentiation. If you're selling a s...


Having worked in this area, both as a client and as a consultant, customer understanding is a key to differentiating yourself from your competition. First a personal belief: surveys are the worst tool to uncover any insights. They are best used to quantify how many do X. There are a couple of wa...


This is a tough question. Happy to connect you with someone who provides online coaching, based on the Adler Method. the person really believes in the cause, so they do the sessions for a relatively symbolic price (around $25 per session, for 12 sessions). Let me know if you're interested. Goo...


To handle a restless teenager carry out these instruction: *Try and calm the teenager down *Give the restless teenager an attention to understand the root cause of the restlessness. *Show love *Avoid a crowded or noisy environment *Allow the teenager to have some rest *


I would love to advise a few ideas to get your online business going. With a background and expertise in Internet Marketing, I believe that a blog could be a great way to increase your client way. Additionally, with content marketing, you can offer your services and clinical advise across the Bay...


Your next step should be is to study for your MCAT. Also Get a job in the healthcare field to gain some experience. Would love to answer any additional questions you have. Give me a call..


Can you demonstrate value for them? All the words you're using here are very negative; you need to find a positive spin because I'm not going to pay for something which sounds so negative.


The best way is to lean how to ask great questions and to physically spend time with your users watching them work. I don't have all the killer questions, but my favourite to help understand product roadmap opportunities is "What do you do 3 minutes before, and after you use our product?". That...


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