Trying to get free advice about starting an international pharmaceutical company probably isn't the best way to go, man. That's your biggest red tape.
There is no formula for that. Read as you need to. Have your mentor(s) suggest books that are specific to your needs. A good starting point might be one relevant book per month to start. There are also those book summary services that can give you the themes of the books in 5 minutes of reading. ...
I've advised 40+ startups on hiring, org structure, and leadership, and excited to take a stab at this question. The key first is defining in more detail the role you need today and the role you aspire the company will need 12 months from now. Where do they intersect? What hard skills vs soft s...
This is personal opinion, more than an answer. You really needed to decide all this when you first set up the company. You needed to discuss with your partner how much money he was bringing to the table, and if not money the value of his contribution to the company. In the end CEO, COO, CT...
Congratulations on delegating so effectively! That is most likely one of the KEY factors in your growth. Too many of us fall into thinking "how can I do that" when we come up with new ideas. A billionaire mentor told me that the better question (and how she grew her businesses to well over a bill...
Some questions you'll want to answer before moving ahead: How strongly do you believe this idea can become a successful product? Why do you think they approached you? How comfortable do you feel running a company owned by someone else? What happened in your previous CEO role? What confidence...
You are missing whether LinkedIn and mailers are relevant to your target customers and also how they use these media, if your targeting was accurate. - (Buyer Personas GOOD NEWS. Many CEOs of small companies are active on LinkedIn and even write their own content, but I can...
Hi! It's always worth trying to negotiate for a higher step when offered a new position. However, whether or not you can negotiate a higher step in your case may depend on the specific policies and regulations of your agency. In general, the federal government has regulations in place that gover...
Mashable is the best blog a tech CEO should connect with. There are literally hundreds of books to sort through and you need to find books specific to what you are doing and what you will connect with.
Getting some of your relevant authority content in the front of some of the decision makers or Influencers of your target market is a great way to make entry. This is done via content and Influencer marketing using digital and social networks. We work with Construction firms to develop strateg...