
Results for: SQL

PhpMyAdmin would probably work for this. Lots of hosts have it pre-installed.


Tip: You'll only do this if you're a Thrillseeker looking to loose massive revenue. You'll never, ever, ever turn over design of any business critical system to anyone in the class of "junior anything" who requires "SQL courses". You'll have an experienced designer handle your SQL design.


There are a few options. If you've done the basics through Codecademy, then you're ready to move on to the specifics of a platform (such as PostgreSQL as you've mentioned). Though this can equally be a minefield. The reporting engines/formats differ from platform to platform. As does SQL believe...


Easy... Contact companies you would want to work for and offer to intern or work for free for a few days/week under someone with that experience. Soak in the info. Help them in other areas. Ask a lot of questions as if you are completely new to the field.


It is a very vague "What clothing suits me ?" Well.. I can try to answer. Question - Why do you want to move to cloud. Have you already decided it is Azure (not the competitors like AWS or Google Cloud, which is totally OK. I am a Azure fan. Just wanted to know) Businesses (some...


Hi: Sounds like you have a potential solution to offer to the marketplace. Or is it a service that clients can plug into existing processes? It's great that you've developed the requisitie experience and skills, but whether you're offering a solution or service, you now need to spin your thinking...


I spent 10 years building a digital agency so I've got some experience with client acquisition. The short answer is - client work leads to more work. One way to start the pipeline going is to pick up small jobs from any number of project sites and to build from there. Chances are if I have a sm...


It's a bit difficult to give an estimate with the information provided. I'm not sure if your question is related to adding privacy to an existing server code or you need the whole server side done. The later is significantly more cost and has an unknown scope based on only the info given. You ...


It looks like you can do this with Cloudflare so if I were you I would email them to ask. See this article here: If that doesn't work I would contact your web host. Your web host will be able to provide a solution for you that will be simple and easy.


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