There are several options available which would work for SaaS. The best one I can suggest is Referral Program. The referral program would need to have Training Documentation well defined as well as marketing material. This would allow you to pay other consultants or individuals to pipe leads or ...
It's really impossible to answer this question without a fuller analysis of your specific tax situation. "Float between" won't be the terminology used in a tax treaty! That being said, we've attempted to distill down different incorporation options at Incorporations.IO which is a free comparison...
A reseller typically purchases the SaaS at a discounted price and bill their client directly. I've seen reseller discounts range between 10% and 50%. The discount should be competitive with your industry, and allow a reasonable ROI for resellers. The reseller discount is typically for the life o...
I was involved with a SaaS product that launched a landing page and made clear that the product was still in development, but that we would give earliest access to people who pre-paid for the product. We also allowed people to choose what they paid, and promised them that payment would stay in-e...
Same as any other entity (or person). Entity pays taxes in it's domicile jurisdiction. Best you talk with a tax preparer in your home country to ensure you have all the details. And... If you're a US citizen + your SAAS company is generating massive cash, likely best to organize your entity in...
To response to this question one needs to understand various other aspects of your offering , your market , your current team strengths, current stage of growth of the product as well as your current problems. I have been a SaaS sales leader for couple of products and have built and mentored thes...
Depends. If the order is a few thousand dollars, you should have it setup to let them wire you the money or even checks (if the company is in the US). Normally, for products up to $2K, companies take care of it with credit card. For higher products, you should encourage them to contact you. If ...
Hello! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm a marketing strategist for The term “growth hacking” is now being widely used to describe startup marketing, but its meaning has changed since Sean Ellis originally coined the term in his 2010 blog post. You have a very good question here! In...
I don't think the service you are envisioning is a new concept, but it might not exist at scale as a packaged Saas product. If you have not encountered it yet and you are actively looking for it, it could mean that it either does not exist yet or there is a big opportunity to become that authorit...
The two obvious answers are to 1) network your ass off, and 2) make sure the product blows users away in both quality and support. If you have any inroads with your sellers, go to where they are and convince them that your tool is going to make everyone's projects better. If you can't convincin...