
Results for: SaaS - Enterprise & SMB B2B

I don't think the service you are envisioning is a new concept, but it might not exist at scale as a packaged Saas product. If you have not encountered it yet and you are actively looking for it, it could mean that it either does not exist yet or there is a big opportunity to become that authorit...


I was just speaking with a colleague about this as we are both starting new startups and were reflecting on our previous projects together. In hindsight we recognize that one of the main challenges was proper expectation setting around adoption and engagement. If someone else is setting those exp...


As the business or product is not described, I will answer it for a general SaaS product. Think from the reseller's point of view. Why will you try to sell it to your community (users/clients/followers). Don't think only about revenue opportunities, but opportunities at all. 1. Commissions, fir...


Because single users can use it for free with some restrictions (like only 1 chat at a time).


Are you referring to doing an intake call, discovery call, sales call...?


To response to this question one needs to understand various other aspects of your offering , your market , your current team strengths, current stage of growth of the product as well as your current problems. I have been a SaaS sales leader for couple of products and have built and mentored thes...


Depends. If the order is a few thousand dollars, you should have it setup to let them wire you the money or even checks (if the company is in the US). Normally, for products up to $2K, companies take care of it with credit card. For higher products, you should encourage them to contact you. If ...


It's a difficult one to answer because Hubspot is a continuously evolving platform. What isn't working so well today will be great tomorrow. The speed at which they are developing is mind blowing. I've been watching this now for 1.5 years and it's pretty amazing. They're doing some pretty cool s...


I've done both of these when I was fishing for SaaS business opportunities. To narrow down the niche market, identify the key departments, type of problem, and industry verticals of target companies. The users of your solution would benefit either from $$$ or productivity point of view. Then to...


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