
Results for: Sales

The trial period is your courtship period, and the best opportunity to convert the user into a paying customer. Areas of focus - on boarding communication that includes welcome email, on boarding education of the platform, links to additional material on product/service - timely communication th...


Generally speaking - having access to more capital is a good thing - particularly when you aren't hemorrhaging equity to get access. Have you talked to the bank about closing on your "need" amount, and having them convert the remainder into a line of credit? Beyond that - this really comes dow...


Do not consider this as a fixed and rigid decision. Consider this more like an opportunity to realize that you should test your pricing strategy as early as possible or at least now. Every pricing strategy you choose does work, the question is can you find your optimum? In your position, I'd re...


I would make sure to have a "one sheet" for your pricing already created. If you're okay with a discount rate and equity then have that as an option. When you pivot to discussing compensation it becomes as easy as " for compensation for this projects here's a link to our page/PDF for startups. As...


This depends on the type of functionality you need in your app. Web apps can't implement the full suite of functionality that would be available to a native app, although they are getting closer to that capability. If the functionality that you need can be achieved with a web app, and if you ca...


I have 12 years experience in ERP solutions like SAP and various others and get this type of question a lot from SME's. I your case you want to provide implementation services and ultimately sign a retainer support contract for 36 months. There are a few good ones out there, start with https://ww...


I think at this stage there are a couple things to research 1) your audience and their behavior in trying new things 2) Test it out... it's really hard to tell unless you try it and see what works. Most companies are using the freemium approach only cuz it makes sense with their product/service b...


Most Software as a service vendors generally don't book annual deals except in highly specialized cases. Most customers prefer to be able to cancel/change anytime they choose. Also, deals done "offline" end up actually often being more trouble than they are worth to administrate especially for ...


You've answered your own question. Reach out to your prospects with the question, such as "How would you...". Ask what people want then give it to them if you can with integrity and thoughtfulness.


Because the startup costs to get a lot of their customers actually set up on their platform are too high, so free trials for say, 14 days, are out of the question. For example, take a look at which uses some really amazing technology to track a customer's brand imagery ...


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