
Results for: Security

I'm answering with the assumption that you are going to deploy this B2B rather than B2C. Developing traction before the fact for business or enterprise solutions can be tough - you can't presell them in the way that you can with a widget, you can't drive masses of consumer traffic to them to t...


Hi, Please can you be more specific? Mentors, team and experts is very broad and would be used for different purposes. Are you looking for different people for different reasons for each of these or more generalist people? What do you need from these people? Feel free to give me a call to di...


It's not unusual at all. If you do outsource, try and make sure you have a project lead that you can trust. Once revenues get up to a certain point they might want to see the project through and come on board full time OR they will have enough pride in their work to make sure a proper transition ...


Many of the target groups you listed have their own proprietary contract processes/apps in place. Low hanging fruit may be independent consultants, freelancers, and small business owners. They deal with contracts all the time. If you are going to continue targetting real estate, financial, and ...


How to lower car insurance — in 4 steps Step 1: Find how much coverage you need Most U.S. states — besides New Hampshire and Virginia — require you to get car insurance as well as a certain amount of liability coverage you need. When it comes to the amount of liability that’s required, you’ll ty...


I would suggest Ireland. The workforce is educated and hard-working. They speak English, which is critical for international work. Very favorable tax structure.


Take a look at how other companies with similar problem resolved it, for example: AirBnB, Uber, TaskRabbit and others. Every one of them, unless they were extremely lucky with timing, used a narrow geographic focus, approaching established communities and fulfilling demand for one side by hand ...


Denial of Service protection is a key component of your perimeter defense along with your firewall, intrusion detection/prevention and continuous monitoring. There are several managed service providers that you can choose from. The first vendor you should contact is your Internet Service Provide...


1. E&Y 2. KPMG are big name in security auditing .They are one of the best around the world.


The SEC is tasked to monitor, and punish if necessary illegal acts committed by trading in securities. They are the "Watch Dog" of Wall Street. Unfortunately, there are not enough skilled employees, and funds to really do their job, so a lot of unlawful acts slip through the cracks. The SEC ...


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