
Results for: Seed

There are many security standards you can "certify" your datacenter with, such as NIST or ISO. You can read more about them here: In addition there are some SSL and Antivirus vendors who provide "security badges" that can be embedded to your...


I met these guys at the INBOUND14 confrence in Boston last year. Their pricing was way better than many things I was quoted before and they really do draw all thins by hand. They had a guy sketching people while there. They should be able to take you from start to finish within the scope of the p...


If it's just two of you then you need not worry about creating a shareholding agreement. The partnership deed is sufficient enough to cover it in a simplistic way i.e. 50:50 or whatever ratio you two chose. However, if there're going to be numerous co-founders with split of roles and responsibil...


In my more than a decade of experience I have worked on either side of the table. From being a consultant to hiring a consultant to running my own business consulting company. I believe you should think more about the things that you should ask the consultant than questions a consultant may ask t...


Thanks for your inquiry. We should probably have a quick chat. I have a few questions to better understand your situation, like these (probably others too): Where are you located? Where is the company registered, domiciled? What are your intended financing activities? Where? Have you done a ro...


Happy to help with this and can probably bring lots of ideas to the table. Also, since LOCAL is the focus, you can't just use digital. Most of your bookings are going to come from local non digital marketing, but they will coincide with the digital marketing you do. The efforts need to be combine...


While you are considering bringing all the Content Marketing & Measurement features and capabilities together with Project Managment ( I am assuming some type of cohesive management Dashboard with combined analytics ?), you might want to consider the following: - the integrated product should no...


it depends on what your partnership agreement said but ultimately you should be able to create or execute on your buy sell given the terms of your partnership agreement. He should also forfeit any stock shares issued. If none of that has been done if the partnership was never inked properly, th...


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