For home services, Fridge Magnets are hands down the best marketing tool. US average is every person in a household visits their fridge 13x times daily, so 13x * 365 days/year == 4745 impressions for <$5 one time fee to have magnet manufactured + mailed to homes. Talk with people familiar with ...
class MyViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate { let tableView = UITableView() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Set the table view's frame tableView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.frame.width, hei...
Interesting question and thanks for asking. Being REAL in yourself is the first step to connect to your subconscious self. Mastering the subconscious self makes your purpose more clear with clarity. Goals are personified and outcome is happiness.
Technology allows you to digitize the direct mail marketing process When done right with the right technology integrations, direct mail marketing can create an unforgettable experience for your ideal customer in your business. Some businesses are already benefiting from this. A good example that ...
I've been an entrepreneur for a long time (since 1990) and this subject is there in the highs, the lows ... there are so many times that I've felt this. I can really say I've had two lives, however, the first was when I was alone (Lone Ranger style). Even though I had business partners I had so...
Depends. How much do you really need to build out your app? If you don't need investor money, better to avoid it. And how will you disrupt the space? I don't think there are any shortcuts to organizing.
Sounds ambitious! What are the key challenges for you? Are you able to develop the product yourself, and just looking for ideas of how to grow it to millions of users? Or do you need to find people to build the product/app itself? There are lots of resources available for both.
Have you tried any forms of bodywork-massage or yoga? Body treatments that are next level like Turkish baths and saunas/cold dips? These are all focusing and bring you through mind-body experiences that could supplement your current work.
In my experience, no entrepreneur is fully prepared for the journey they are embarking upon when they start a new business endeavor. You simply can't have everything you need before you begin this journey. Being an entrepreneur is about being resourceful, or as Paul Graham puts it, being "relentl...