
Results for: Selling

Did you know that having an fancy expensive website doesn't do it either...I mean you can pour thousands of dollars into a website... but without traffic, it wont be worth it... Find you target demographic.. Schools, Community Centers etc... and go old school... HANG UP A FLYER!.... that will get...


Hi I have ben working in the field of Mobile Marketing since 2008 and even though most of our activities has been targeted a consumer market the mechanism is much about the sam. If you could provide me with some words about what type of products you are trying to sell to whom - I'd be glad to hel...


Both answers so far are good. Especially the info about having great songs. I think it's so competitive out there that my suggestion to you is to focus on developing relationships with artists you believe in. If you write songs with them and they value your writing contribution, you will have a c...


In my experience, every step you take to complicate your company's structure and ownership rights reduces the likelihood of investors providing your venture with seed funding. To attract seed funding, investors expect a single-minded laser focus on the entrepreneurs' assessment of his or her bes...


Quality control is always a concern when working with an overseas vendor, and I can only imagine your frustration with the samples you have received. My advice having sourced from China and many other countries is that you need a person on the ground to make sure your expectations and specs are b...


Hmmm... Is this a free or low-cost conference? I ask because attendees typically don't like paying good money for a conference and then being pitched on one's own services. If it's low cost and it's made known in advance there will be special offers, etc, then I guess that's okay. I've never se...


Go to and scroll down to find the Startup Basics button. Felix Dennis was crystal clear in his book How To Get Rich that giving up equity was crazy. I agree with him. If, and only if, a co-founder can strongly impact the growth and effectiveness of the business...then I m...


You can do this through having a webinar for corporate executives. Run traffic to the webinar through Facebook and LinkedIn then at the end of the webinar have a soft sales pitch. Follow up with all participants through email and messenger.


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