
Results for: Small Business Development

Social enterprise and "most profitable" are in conflict with each other. It may be best if you focused on one or the other and once the idea works, then either make it profitable or add a social component. Trying both at the same time has a very high chance for failure.


Having been working with and advising companies on how to get great customer feedback for many years, I have a couple of ideas you could try. One of the key assets you have is your customer list. You already have permission to approach them, I assume, so reach out to some to start a dialogue. If...


It sounds like you have plenty of skills to get started now. There's no need to keep re-training in different areas when you have experience to get started today. My suggestion would be to pick a niche and try and become the go-to guy in that particular niche. Let's say, for example, you are in...


Hello, I wholesale part time. I have sold multiple products to a variety of different stores. My goal was to never get into a huge department store, it was to provide small mom and pop shops with products that would sell. Steps I took to sell multiple items: 1. Establish a contact person 2. P...


Is it possible the two bank folks are saying the same thing about you and your singular focus on the application? That you don’t have the same depth of understanding on what it takes to make money? Diverse skillsets on a team will occasionally lead to operational disconnects because everyone bri...


It depends on what you mean by fail! I only help software startup founders - not all founders. I believe that there's no excuse for these founders to fail to get a product to market, if they have the funding to do it of course. Even then, there's a lot founders can do (for free!) to maximise th...


Being as collaborative as you can be is a good start. Outside of that, being honest and transparent about why the changes are happening is a good way to build trust with the new team. Keeping a positive attitude and energy around it will also help to soften the blow. Most importantly, continually...


I will suggest you B2C company. These companies are best suitable for online business. Apart from the multiple advantages it provides two major benefits that you will get from establishing this type of company. First is digitalization of business and second is usage of a global network. Now by di...


Hello Ty, thank you for sharing this with us. I understand how vulnerable you might feel right now. My name is Humberto Valle, I have been helping entrepreneurs for over 8 years now, coaching strategic marketing and contracting for many companies at various phases in various industries across mul...


What exactly are you looking to accomplish? What type of business segment are you in? do you have any capital? Do you have experience in said field? What makes you want to start "this" type of business. Let me know~


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