You have to consider what benefits you have to offer contributors, and market those in a concise way. Do you have a blog? If so, you could run interviews and guest posts which offer value to your users and advertising for your contributors. Can contributors work with your startups in a paid way, ...
Sounds delicious. I LOVE ice coffee. My advice is to definitely generate buzz on social media as well as a series of YouTube videos of every day people using the unit and enjoying the iced coffee. Some ideas: 1. Join a coffee lovers group on Facebook and LinkedIn. More importantly, an iced coff...
I’ll take it as a given you are operating a “brick & mortar” construction (equipment rental) business and with this, allow me to propose a few “flexible” marketing moves, you may consider (online or offline): 1. PUBLICITY/PUBLIC RELATIONS - Online or social media write-ups; Offline publication w...
For home services, Fridge Magnets are hands down the best marketing tool. US average is every person in a household visits their fridge 13x times daily, so 13x * 365 days/year == 4745 impressions for <$5 one time fee to have magnet manufactured + mailed to homes. Talk with people familiar with ...
Names are not so useful, emails yes! Export their emails in Linkedin and then upload to Facebook "audience" targeting and then you're good to go:)
I don't think being Pinterest-only is too specific. It is an overlooked, yet valuable, social media platform that most don't know how to effectively use for their business. When you're setting out to be an expert, you need to be prepared to answer what makes you different than the competition. I...
Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us here, I launched a consulting business almost 10 years ago to leverage my Masters in Strategy and experience with several successful startups. I merged business coaching with marketing and for the past 9 years have been helping small-large organizations glo...
Not really. A startup's need is always revolving around what the founders can pull off- how creative and how shameless you are. Lets think outside the box here: If you absolutely have to market during a break, follow your potential users. Showcase at events, attent clubs, the beach, go to the d...
If your objective is to get a product funded, then getting on the news isn't necessarily the best route as this is a very broad approach vs targeted. Am assuming that whoever will invest in your product, will need to have a bit of understanding about what it offers photographers? From an editoria...
In italy you have a saying along the lines of: "Doctors usually suffer from what they cure"... meaning they're too busy being good and helping others do that one thing that they don't do it for themselves. I see the same for myself: I have 50+ apps in the App Store but unfortunately none of them ...