
Results for: Start Ups

Surround yourself with people who have done it before. Not consultants, not coaches, people who have walked the path you are embarking on. The good news is that the startup community is the most helpful business community of any industry, by miles. I'd be happy to do a call to help you figur...


The easiest answer to this is something a mentor told me a few years ago when I was working on a niche app....she said "do you honestly feel like you could be passionate about this for the next 10 years"? That may not sound like it's relevant but it is...honestly that's the only thing that matter...


Hi: Congrats on getting your service app to this point. Fundraising takes a lot of energy and time--more time than you think it will. Instead of embarking on that journey right now, consider channeling your time and energy into generating sales: Bootstrapping the promotions and marketing to start...


There are so many opportunities to systemize the content production process. Make a detailed list of exactly what the end users wants to accomplish, how they can accomplish this (your secret sauce), and how it can be delivered. I'm happy to jump on a call to discuss details.


I have become a Stripe convert. The simplicity and straight forward pricing is great. The platform works seamlessly. Previously I was a big proponent of Paypal but now after a few months with Stripe I am not ever going back. I have not had one issue at all compared to having at least a dozen issu...


This is akin to asking: "How much does a car cost?" The most annoying, yet fitting, answer is: "It depends." Are you asking about software? Will you be creating and sending invoices? Do you have employees and HR needs? Do you have a website? Need one? Will you be managing IT needs on-site? Are...


HelIo, I personally recently raised $1.2M seed investment for my own startup after one year of networking events, startup competitions and pitch sessions. Today I work for a network of 800 US Family Offices as external advisor. We are looking to invest in US based companies for series A,B,C round...


It's really impossible to answer this question without a fuller analysis of your specific tax situation. "Float between" won't be the terminology used in a tax treaty! That being said, we've attempted to distill down different incorporation options at Incorporations.IO which is a free comparison...


As a 500 Startup mentor I would suggest the following 1) Blog about distribution, design and data. Those are the things that 500 values most and usually the fastest way to get on their radar. 2) Interact with @davemcclure (and all other partners) on Twitter 3) Attend geeks on a plane or other eve...


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