
Results for: Start Ups

I've discussed ideas with hundreds of startups, I've been involved in about a dozen startups, my business is at $1M+ revenue. The bad news is, there is no good way to protect ideas. The good news is, in the vast majority of cases you don't really need to. If you're talking to people about your ...


Ramping up a new business is challenging, and there's no doubt that some — emphasis on SOME — sacrifices have to be made. Destination weddings and big vacations may have to wait until your cash flow improves. However, be careful not to fall into the trap of believing that any time spent away fr...


Hi there! My name is Humberto Valle, strategist expert with over 10 years of practice. I run a few subscription groups, if you're interested check out one of my latest articles - you may find it useful : But enough about me, the relevant t...


The best time to raise capital for a startup is when you have a clear idea of what you want to do and a clear idea of how much money you need to get to a milestone that will set a higher value for your company. In general its better to bootstrap and do friends and family as long as you can, becau...


You are not doing anything wrong you are actually doing all the right things. I took a look at what you are trying to build. That is where you need to do some work. 1. Books today are relatively inexpensive. So what would the cost be to rent vs buy? Rent vs buy used? 2. Why not go to the lib...


This is an important question. Knowing when to stop is just as important as knowing when to not give up (it allows you to to save your time, money and efforts for other projects which may be more lucrative/profitable). That said, anyone who actually gives you an answer without taking a look at ...


I use tier marketing strategies to attract new clients. Simply stated, I use the other members of my team to work collaborately to circulate marketing materials by simulating increased traffic and tricking the algorithms of media platforms to keep circulating the content. A giveaway may be adde...


Hello! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm a 10 year vet in the marketing and strategy world. I am the current CEO of, evangelist for a 100 Software Engineer community called BetaBulls and work with startups and large corporations from many countries. I have been involved with SEO one...


Hi, even if you hired a sales executive you would need to give them training on your product so they could effectively sell it. And even then the person would ideally need to know the best way to sell it, as not all sales executives are good at building the sales process itself. The idea thing f...


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