
Results for: Start-ups

Nice business application! Here are my quick ideas. I recommend you treat your app as if it were in beta. Go out to relevant audiences and seek free "tester users". I recommend advertising the search for tester users by finding forums with audiences who fit one of your personas. Start with R...


Snapchat is definitely not in the same age and situation than Look how long it took Yahoo to be forced to sell... If Twitter doesn't start growing soon, it'll be in a similar situation within 24 months. If the table turns for Snapchat and does not grow, they would force the CEO to ste...


This is not tax or legal advice. Two things stand out - usually people leave it up to the investors to ask for preference shares and also I see a lot of family members in that cap table. He could pool them into one entity to make the structure less complex IMO. You'll want to make sure typical pr...


Absolutely! In fact, this is where many solopreneurs "max out". With the Internet, as long as you have a flow of traffic of interested prospects, you can keep converting and selling, right? There's no limit at the scale an individual can operate on to that flow. As a consultant, if that's what ...


The answer comes down to: 1) Is your idea good enough: What you can offer that your competitors can't? 2) Is your team good enough: Does your team have the ability and drive to pull off the idea? The answers to those questions are impossible to even start to assess with the information provide...


Most Startups billed their own, but you could look at Magento (OpenSource), Netsuite (Enterprise) or some kind of form with integration (Simple).


i think is common, I know I have. specially in situations when dealing with deadlines and or pivot phases... such as product validation or growth... even pitching angles to VCs. best thing to do is reassure your leadership position, understand values and come to a mid point agreement that reflect...


Never get in business with people you want to buy out. Do not sign any agreement to give away such big chunk of your business unless you are 100% convinced they're the best people to work with. From your long description, it doesn't seem you believe they are trustworthy nor that they deliver the ...


Why do you need safeguards at this point? You should be figuring out if there is even a demand for this. We did this with the app we launched and didnt have any problems. Let me know if youd like to discuss more. You shouldnt be wasting money on legal fees at this point.


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